Managing Hot Flashes: Causes, Symptoms, and New Drugs for Hot Flashes

Managing Hot Flashes: Symptoms, Causes, and New Drugs for Hot Flashes: Hot flashes are sudden and intense feelings of heat that can cause flushing and sweating. They are commonly experienced by individuals, especially women, and may be associated with hormonal changes, menopause, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.


Hot flashes are a common symptom experienced by many individuals, particularly women, during various stages of life[i]. They are characterized by sudden feelings of intense warmth and sweating, often accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and reddening of the skin. While hot flashes can occur for various reasons, including hormonal changes and certain medical conditions, cancer is one potential underlying cause that deserves attention. This article will investigate the relationship between hot flashes and cancer, as well as cancer symptoms, hot flash relief measures, and developing medication options for controlling this troublesome condition.

Hot Flashes and Cancer

Before delving into the connection between hot flashes and cancer, it’s essential to recognize the common symptoms of cancer. These can vary depending on the type and stage of cancer but may include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, persistent pain, changes in the skin, lumps, or abnormal bleeding. If you’ve any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor right once to get an accurate diagnosis.

Hot flashes can be a cancer symptom, especially in certain types like breast, prostate, or thyroid cancer. In these cases, the cancer cells or treatment-related hormonal changes can disrupt the body’s normal temperature regulation, triggering hot flashes[ii]. However, it must be noted that experiencing hot flashes does not automatically indicate cancer. Hot flashes can also result from other causes, such as menopause, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety, or medication side effects.

What do hot flashes indicate? Hot Flashes Causes and Symptoms

hot flashes causes
hot flashes causes

Hot flashes are symptomatic episodes characterized by a sudden feeling of intense heat, usually accompanied by flushing and sweating[iii]. They can indicate various underlying causes and conditions, and their interpretation depends on the individual’s context and medical history.

In women, the most common cause of hot flashes is menopause. As women approach menopause, typically in their 40s or 50s, hormonal fluctuations occur, particularly a decline in estrogen levels. Hot flashes are often a hallmark symptom of menopause and can be experienced for several years during the menopausal transition.

Hot flashes can be caused by hormonal abnormalities other than menopause. Hot flashes can be caused by conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), thyroid issues, or some drugs that disturb normal hormone balances. Some medications, such as hormonal therapies (e.g., tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment), antidepressants, opioids, and certain osteoporosis medications, can induce hot flashes as a side effect.

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Hot flashes can also be associated with certain types of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer[iv]. The cancer cells or treatments, including chemotherapy or hormonal therapies, can disrupt the body’s temperature regulation system and trigger hot flashes.

Stress and anxiety can also contribute to the occurrence of hot flashes. Emotional factors, intense emotions, or heightened stress levels can lead to the dilation of blood vessels and an increase in body temperature, resulting in hot flashes.

Furthermore, hot flashes can sometimes indicate underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, hyperthyroidism, or infections. These conditions can disrupt the body’s normal physiological processes and trigger hot flashes as a response.

It’s important to note that hot flashes alone are not conclusive evidence of a specific condition or disease.. They will consider an individual’s complete medical history, conduct a physical examination, and, if necessary, order additional diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause.

Suppose hot flashes are frequent, severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms. In that case, seeking medical attention to receive appropriate evaluation, diagnosis, and management for optimal health and well-being is essential.

Managing Hot Flashes

When it comes to managing hot flashes, several strategies can help alleviate symptoms. These approaches aim to restore the body’s temperature balance and reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Here are some methods that individuals can try:

  1. Lifestyle modifications: Avoiding triggers such as spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and hot beverages can help reduce the occurrence of hot flashes. Wearing loose, breathable clothing and using fans or air conditioning can also provide relief.
  2. Stress reduction techniques: Stress can exacerbate hot flashes, so practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga may be beneficial.
  3. Regular exercise: Regular physical activity can help regulate body temperature and reduce the frequency of hot flashes. Incorporating aerobic conditioning, strength training, and relaxation techniques into a daily routine can provide significant relief.
  4. Hormone therapy: For women experiencing hot flashes due to menopause, hormone therapy may be recommended to balance hormone levels and alleviate symptoms. However, hormone therapy is unsuitable for everyone and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

New Drugs for Hot Flashes

Researchers and pharmaceutical companies continually explore new drug therapies to manage hot flashes effectively. Several options are currently being investigated, including:

  1. Non-hormonal medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), commonly used as antidepressants, have shown promise in reducing hot flashes[v]. These medications work by affecting brain chemicals involved in regulating body temperature.
  • Gabapentinoids: Drugs used to treat nerve pain and epilepsy, such as gabapentin and pregabalin, can reduce the intensity of hot flashes in some people[vi].
  • Clonidine: This is used to treat high blood pressure originally; clonidine has also shown efficacy in managing hot flashes[vii]. It works by stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors, which can help alleviate symptoms.

It is important to note that any medication or treatment should be discussed with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate option based on individual circumstances.

If hot flashes are frequent, severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention to receive appropriate evaluation, diagnosis, and management for optimal health and well-being.





[v] Stubbs C, Mattingly L, Crawford SA, Wickersham EA, Brockhaus JL, McCarthy LH. Do SSRIs and SNRIs reduce the frequency and/or severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2017 May;110(5):272-274. PMID: 28649145; PMCID: PMC5482277.

[vi] Menopausal Symptoms: In Depth | NCCIH.


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